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​We believe in a holistic approach to therapy at Family Matters.  We realize that every one is different and so we customize our therapy plans to meet each person's needs and learning style.  Our Person Centered approach has been proven to be effective for emotional healing, growth, skill building and achieving the goals clients want to work towards.  Counselling is available for individuals, couples, family groups and parents in our quiet, comfy office with Darryl or Tracy  


Children are a big part of our practice and we approach every child with acceptance and understanding.  Kids can explore through Play Therapy in our specialized Play Room.  Equipped with a large range of toys, our Play Room, is aimed at building trust and having fun.  Darryl builds relationships using these tools leading to powerful break throughs and learning opportunities.


At Family Matters we specialize in therapies for neurodivergent clients, with around half of our client base falling on the Autism Spectrum (often accompanied by ADHD). Through the use of mediums such as Lego, Modelling Clay, Drumming, Sand Tray and other hands on activities we support children and teens to help regulate their emotions, build capacity to empathize and communicate with peers and model social skills.  As many of these therapies work on a non-verbal, brain based level our clients are able to engage and grow whist having loads of fun!   

We also use tools such as Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Mindfulness and others to address the unhelpful thoughts and emotions behind Mental Health challenges such as Anxiety, Depression, OCD and Self Harm.

Through our Creativity Matters Studio we offer creative activities that help to promote positive mental health.  Susan is passionate about guiding people through the process of mindful creativity, using art as a creative expression. 

We recognize that Parenting can be a real challenge and so we offer support to Parents and Carers who are navigating through the ups and downs that come with caring for kids and teens.  Whether it be behavioural challenges, school refusal, mental health or being on the same page with parenting, we can provide tools and support.




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